Friday, December 26, 2008

Look Dont Others.....

Look Down Other:

Do you all face the problem or met the people that who like to look down others? Actually, I do not like the people who like to look down others. However, I will don’t like the people who like to acted. The people like to act will always fail in their life. They fail because they act to let others feel better and not the real action included. For me that is totally stupid and bad attitude. I know that the people who like to look down other always never think that how much ability they have. No wonder the people where they are standing now, they will have a good ability as well. The problem is only the people want to learn something new or not? When we have good ability we also cannot look down others because one day they will do it better then us. The people who look down me today I will thank you in the future. I will listen to you. I love you so much because I can know my disability and change it immediately. But I just want to inform the people who look down me today, you will totally wrong and fail to do so, because I have read a book that stated that what is just for our life 100%. What do you all think that is 100% in our life? Money?........hardwork….?or what?

See this:


Is represented as:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.

H-A-R-D-W-O-R- K

8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%
11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%

1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%

We must always remember that, attitude is always make u success or fail in the future. So Change our attitude to achieve the life in the future. I hope everyone who has read my block can give me some ideas to change my life. Thanks a lot.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Fast and Slow Jobs

Fast and Slow Job

When we do thing some people like to achieve the target very fast and some people like to plan it slower with step by step. I am the one who like to use the fast way to achieve the target and objective that I have already planed. However, after I face some problems that I work it too fast I have an ideal that why the thing is difficult to work it in long term. I have an experienced that if the thing run too fast we may face the problem that we cannot turn to other way that we must turn for. But this ideal may not agree with my friends who have the ability to solve the problem they faced. After I have faced so much of problems that I make the decision too fast and do the thing too fast I can give my friends one example about the natural thing that related to daily life. The example is about the travel distance. When want to travel about 40KM distance we can use highway or normal way. The benefit for highway is fast and avoid lost of direction. But, when you face traffic jam in highway will you able to turn another road to continue your distance? The answer can be obviously no; because we need to arrive another TOL then we just can turn out. It is same with our life, if you want to do the thing very fast and become success only when there are not other things to stop you. If something happened you will definitely difficult to solve it because you have not enough strong planning in your jobs. In addition, if you want to turn to other way to do the thing also difficult because of limited resources like we must arrived in another TOL first. Now let us discuss about the normal way. When we face a traffic jam in the normal way, will we able to find another way to go? I think the answer is yes; just you need to know other road way that able to bring you to your destination. It is the same thing for our life. We plan the thing carefully and run it slower with step by step we will have the change to turn in another way if we know the problem occur. But, we must have experience like we know other road to arriver the destination when we face the traffic jam. This part may be the stupid ideal but I feel that my mind turn to this side it already make me wake up. From today, I will plan carefully with step by step to achieve my goal. If my friends who have any ideal or commend about think thinking please leave commend to me.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Human Life......

Human Life…..

Humans’ life is like a drama. Which character you want to be depends on yourself. If you want to be protagonist you must always refer to the person who is very success in acting protagonist. However, we are not only referring to one successful person, we must always refer and learn from many of them. It is because every people have different style and ability to act and does thing. It is totally impossible that we can like a person only. If you think that you want to learn from only a person, you will always under him/her ability. You want success in your life, it is only the ways that learn from different people which is suitable for you and you have an ability to follow their characters. I like to learn from the people which are able to improve my life. I think this ideal is not new in the world. But I hope that I can share it to all of you which like to improve. Choose own character today. It is helpful for your future.

Personal Rules

I write this blog to just share my opinions and what I like to do. I hope all of you who have read my blog can give me some ideal and share your ideal with me. I know different people have different view point. But I hope we can improve together. I hope to receive email from you. No matter what you have suggested I will learn from you. This is time that we need to learn from each others. I appreciate that you can share with me. If I have wrote anything that is not meaning and not mature please forgive me and give me some advise because i am always learn from you. Thanks.

My Life….

Sometimes, I really blur that what I want. I know myself; I do not like a simple life. Some people like to make the life as simple as possible. The people that like a simple life is not wrong, because that is their standing point. I know that if every people do not like the simple life then the world is no more peaceful. For me the world is balance, every people have their own characters. The characters they have are build by them self. If you feel that, you do not like your own life, it is the time that you need to change your characters. I have already set my standing point. Too simple life for me may make me bored and make me lazy because I don’t like it. I like my life to have more challenged. I have set my standing point when I saw the economic index in the world, at the same time I make some command sense. No matter how strong the country is, the index will be fluctuated. For example, the world strong country U.S., they will also have a fluctuated index. “Sometimes Growth Sometimes Decline”. So it is same for human as well. You will have a floating life as well. Which types of life you want just choose it? If you choose to have a simple life you will also face a problem as well. As a result, I choose to have a challenge life. I may get a lot of problem when I set myself to have more challenging. But, when you have solved the problem you may already get some experience to not make a mistake again, after a feel year you may have totally different with now. In addition, I like the feel when I have success in something. “It Is Great”. This is only my viewpoint. If you have different viewpoint I hope that you can share with me. My door is always open for you to share.