Saturday, December 6, 2008

Human Life......

Human Life…..

Humans’ life is like a drama. Which character you want to be depends on yourself. If you want to be protagonist you must always refer to the person who is very success in acting protagonist. However, we are not only referring to one successful person, we must always refer and learn from many of them. It is because every people have different style and ability to act and does thing. It is totally impossible that we can like a person only. If you think that you want to learn from only a person, you will always under him/her ability. You want success in your life, it is only the ways that learn from different people which is suitable for you and you have an ability to follow their characters. I like to learn from the people which are able to improve my life. I think this ideal is not new in the world. But I hope that I can share it to all of you which like to improve. Choose own character today. It is helpful for your future.


min said...

hehe.. Sometimes people may confuse what kind of character they want to be. Sometimes they may don't know what they want to do? In this situation, I suggest them to go out from their sweet home. When people alone at outside thinking may be think differently. They might think more mature compare to those who just sit at their home. A lot of thing they might challenge and do everything alone. As a result they will automatically understand what they have to do. Just take me as an example, during my industrial training, every minute I had been control. From Monday until Friday I have to go for work from 7a.m until 6.00p.m. After working time, I have to rush to mum’s shop which have only 3 staff. I’m the only one which has extra time to help them. So I can’t skip this section for helping them. From 7.30p.m until 11.30p.m time spend for my mum. In this situation, I don’t have extra time to do my own thing. Weekend morning, have to follow my sister to buy all the business staff. Did I have extra time? At the end, all my time busy with others people thing. When the times pass, I become lazy to think for other thing. This is because I don’t have extra time to do it even I had my own planning. At that time, I might don’t know what kind of character that I want…. I have been control!! Compare to the time in Melacca, I have to plan my time table myself even eat, assignment, house keeping ,study, go for class and a lot of activity that I want to do. I will more clear on what are the thing that I have to do. What kind of character that I want to play of. I want to be a busy lady who is every minutes think for hers’ business. Work for herself not work for her boss. I never scare I will fail to do it, I just scare one day I become lazy. If I’m lazy then my life will be gone. Make a promise here, after graduate I shouldn’t just stay at hometown, I have to go out and work. Always remember work hard and learn from others. Don’t forget to appreciate for those people who give you knowledge and experience. Advise to my dear mum, you shouldn’t always control our time, you have to think on how to manage your staff s’ lazy attitude who are always wait for us to work for them. Train your staff not be lazy, at the same times, you should think how to expand your business not just focus on the only shop that u have. Hope everything that I said here can be truth. Good topic: what kind of character you want to be? Haha.. Now I more understand what I want. Thank for your posting har. Yuhoo. ~~ wake me up.

Ants said...
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Ants said...

All worries in life from three poisons: greed, malice, and ignorance.

Living in order to work

"To live in order to work" and "to work in order to live" are two phrases with the same words but vastly different meanings.

If a person makes full use of his abilities to work, so that he lives out the value and meaning of life, he is "living in order to work." However, "working in order to live" signifies the helplessness of a person who has no choice but to work, for he cannot otherwise meet the basic needs of life.

The most fulfilling thing in life is to contribute in whatever way one can to benefit humankind. One who is willing to be of service to others will be able to endure hard work willingly and without complaint because of his volunteer spirit. Because of such a spirit, he feels boundless happiness and joy no matter how busy he may be.

If one toils for personal gain, indeed such a life will be afflicted with worries over gain or loss, success or failure. Yet life is impermanent; catastrophes and good fortune can befall anytime. Some people may enjoy success all their lives, but fall into a very distressed state as they approach life’s end. Some people may experience a lifetime of poverty and misfortune, and yet meet with success in their later years.

While a person can toil either for his own personal achievement or for the well-being of society, in comparison, the spiritual growth will be entirely different.