Saturday, December 6, 2008

Personal Rules

I write this blog to just share my opinions and what I like to do. I hope all of you who have read my blog can give me some ideal and share your ideal with me. I know different people have different view point. But I hope we can improve together. I hope to receive email from you. No matter what you have suggested I will learn from you. This is time that we need to learn from each others. I appreciate that you can share with me. If I have wrote anything that is not meaning and not mature please forgive me and give me some advise because i am always learn from you. Thanks.

My Life….

Sometimes, I really blur that what I want. I know myself; I do not like a simple life. Some people like to make the life as simple as possible. The people that like a simple life is not wrong, because that is their standing point. I know that if every people do not like the simple life then the world is no more peaceful. For me the world is balance, every people have their own characters. The characters they have are build by them self. If you feel that, you do not like your own life, it is the time that you need to change your characters. I have already set my standing point. Too simple life for me may make me bored and make me lazy because I don’t like it. I like my life to have more challenged. I have set my standing point when I saw the economic index in the world, at the same time I make some command sense. No matter how strong the country is, the index will be fluctuated. For example, the world strong country U.S., they will also have a fluctuated index. “Sometimes Growth Sometimes Decline”. So it is same for human as well. You will have a floating life as well. Which types of life you want just choose it? If you choose to have a simple life you will also face a problem as well. As a result, I choose to have a challenge life. I may get a lot of problem when I set myself to have more challenging. But, when you have solved the problem you may already get some experience to not make a mistake again, after a feel year you may have totally different with now. In addition, I like the feel when I have success in something. “It Is Great”. This is only my viewpoint. If you have different viewpoint I hope that you can share with me. My door is always open for you to share.


min said...

i would like to be the first one to leave comment here.first of all thank for sharing ur point.i'm glad read this blog.i agree with u that is ourself to control our life. we have to be responsible with our life. even one day we are being poor or rich is not because everything is being destined. It is depend choose our life. there are many people up there would like to blame their fate is not good. i remember one guy come and told me that , yes sometimes u may depend on your is because fate is like a wheel. you have to return to other people if u owe them in the previous life. and this life u have to work and return to them. but if u never work how u going to return? so, if u work with ur good fortune may be u can get the mountain. if u work hard with ur bad fortune even u can get the mountain but at least you will get the this wake me up to work hard..what i ever i do now, if i fail to do it. i wont blame for my life. i will blame myself for not being good. and learn from the failure.. ^^

Ants said...

We all have something we want in life. The problem, of course, is in getting what we want. It may be difficult, especially for things which are important for us. The journey to getting what we want is often long and painful.

I believe there are three essential ingredients we should have if we are to get what we want. If we lack even one of them, it is unlikely that we will succeed. Ask yourself which one you lack the most among these three, and give special attention to that area.

Here are the three essential ingredients to getting what you want:

1. Strong motivation

Brick walls are there for a reason: they let us prove how badly we want things.

You should have a strong answer of why you want something in the first place. Without a strong answer of why, you won’t have strong motivation. And without strong motivation, there is no way you can overcome the challenges you are going to face.

Here are some tips that i saw from internet to improve motivation:

Find your mission in life. You need a bigger why than the challenges you face, and a life mission can give you that.
Always follow your heart. That’s the best source of motivation. It’s impossible to motivate yourself in the long term without following your heart.

2. Persistence

Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.
Winston Churchill

Would you like me to give you a formula for success? It’s quite simple, really. Double your rate of failure.
Thomas J Watson

There is no way you can succeed without first facing a bunch of failures. So, to succeed, continual effort is key. Whenever you fail, rise and try again. Keep on trying until you succeed. Strong motivation (#1) plays an important role here.

Here are some tips to stay persistent:

Have the right mindset that success doesn’t come easily; it requires hard pushes. Expect challenges along the way.
Always remind yourself of the why. A greater why will give you the strength to overcome challenges.
3. Willingness to learn and change the approach

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
Albert Einstein

While it’s true that you should always try and try again when you fail, it is useless if you just use the same approach. You must change your approach if you expect different result. I’ve seen many instances in which people fail and keep on trying without changing their approach. The result, no wonder, is zero.

Here are some tips to improve your ability to learn and change:

Measure what you do to know exactly where your position is. It gives you feedback on how good you do things.
From the feedback, identify areas you want to improve.
Find some role models in the areas you want to improve.
Observe carefully how they do it. What are the things they do that you do not? Try to find some patterns.
From the patterns, list some actionable items you can do to improve yourself.