Friday, August 14, 2009


Everyone must have their own objective!! Objective is one of the map. Without an objective you may do not know where you want to go. However, in the humans real life is that possible for everyone to achieve their objective? There is not really that everyone able to achieve their objective. The people who never achieve their objective is because of:
1. Never action
-Keep thinking in your life and never take an action for the first step
2. Never brainstorm
-Just keep thinking the undervalue dreams and never think through how to achieve their objective
3. Too optimistic in the objective
-Set the objective too far that not really able to achieve
4. Never keep the direction toward objective
-Just simply choose what in front of, and never think that what do you do now is that possible to achieve your objective
5. Easier to satisfied
-The people who will make a relax after certain result, it will never achieve their objective. that is because no one can rest to achieve their objective, as long as the people who do like the simple life.

1 comment:

min said...

long times didn't visit ur blog. nice post. Sometimes people might have a very good objective but lack but sustainable makes them to be failure. Insistently of objective is needed to be sucess. :)